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Ticket Selling via Facebook: Some Quick Tips

Love it or hate it: Facebook is the single best way to reach an audience these days. While there are lots of other social networks out there, this one never seems to go away, and it’s particularly important to ticket selling these days, no matter what your event may be. If you’re going to use ticket selling websites like Magnet Event Pro, Facebook is one of the best ways to advertise those sales, but what can you do to make sure you reach everyone? These tips can help.

Make it a Contest:

This is one piece of advice you’re likely to hear over and over again, and for good reason – it works. People love a good contest on Facebook, and as long as its relevant to them, they’ll enter. For example, imagine you’re selling tickets to an upcoming workshop on amateur photography tips. You might have a photo contest to help push those tickets.

Offer a Bonus For Early Sales:

If you really want to get people to sign up as soon as they can, offer them a bonus on your Facebook page if they buy early. That bonus could be better seating, a gift bag, or even a cheaper price. Once people see this is a limited time offer, they’re more likely to take advantage of it.

Consider Facebook Ads:

If you’re just not getting the views you want or you’re hoping to reach out to more people during your ticket sales, Facebook Ads may be the way to go. It’s a fast return that you just can’t create on an organic basis, and they’re not as expensive as you might imagine.

Reach Out:

There are few things like the number of notices you get on Facebook helping you realise just how many companies your friends have liked. Often a single “James liked Cell Phone Fest 3” makes you click around, desperate to learn more about the event. If you help build a bonus into “liking” your ticket sales, you’re going to find peer pressure on your side.

Ticket selling is never an easy prospect, but social media giants like Facebook can help if you use them well.

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"We are very happy with Magnet. It's nice to have tools that are so easy to use. There is a very high service level, and I feel very confident that I get the help I need if a problem occurs."
Malin Croner, CEO
Dalarna Business
Malin Croner, CEO, Dalarna Business

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