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How to Make 2019 Your Event Business’ Best Year Yet

Do you want 2019 to be a banner year for business? Of course you do, so don’t get stumped trying to figure out where to start. To help you overcome this obstacle, we’ve put together a list of several elements that are sure to help you improve your business to make 2019 your best year yet.

Master the Art of Conversation

In an always-on digital world, people come to events because they want to see other people face-to-face. Consider how to help stir conversations at these events by building networking and discussions into your program. Cultivate scenarios in which people will talk using icebreaker games, round robin table swaps, or discussion prompts. These in-person events are truly memorable and will encourage people get out to more events to have experiences that can only be had in real life. And you can always encourage people to continue these conversations in social media after the event is over, now that the ice is broken.


Make an App People Will Use

Anyone can make an app, but not everyone can make an app that people want to use. Build an app for your events that users can’t live without. Make your app the digital guide for people coming out to your events. Create easy-to-use content that helps attendees prepare for the event and get excited that they bought tickets. Promote your speakers or headliners with fresh content leading up to the event and make it easy to share. Provide useful information about logistics such as parking and hotels details, and ensure necessary links work with ease. During the event include maps, program updates and live social media feeds. After the event is over, use the app for feedback by sending surveys.

Check out Magnet event planner app

Embrace Photos & Videos

People come to events with their smartphones in their pockets, so encourage them to use these tools to help promote your event. Video snippets of a keynote speaker on the stage at your event or photos of attendees gathering for a cocktails at your event will really help illustrate what it means to be there. Create a hashtag for these images and ask people to share these tagged images to their social media accounts. These work as great marketing images for people not in attendance, and help attendees remind attendees just home much fun they had last time.


Taste the Competition

Get out of the office and away from your own events to see what else is going on in the world. If you are an event planner, you should be going to other events on a regular basis in order to see what is going on with the competition. Notice what you like about their experiences and emulate these elements in your events, if you aren’t already doing so. Notice what isn’t working at the competition’s events and think of solutions for the problem. Then use these ideas to ensure that you won’t make the same mistakes they did. This kind of perspective will help you refine the experience at your future events.


Establish & Improve Success Metrics

How do you measure the success of your event? Are you looking at ticket sales, registration, the number of attendees, social media brand impressions or attendee feedback? Define which attributions matter most to your company and measure these KPIs for every event. Track how you are progressing in these areas and if you notice a decline in KPIs, then identify why these numbers are dropping and identify what you can do to fix it. When it comes to success, push yourself to do a little bit better each time around and pretty soon, you’ll be breaking records.


Partner With Influencers

Book influential people to speak and play at your events and make sure you partner on social media outreach. These people are well-known and passionate the subject of your event, so it is a natural fit for them to tweet about your event and the supporting themes. These savvy influencers offer up a great opportunity to reach new audiences and to help generate conversations about your event on in the social world. Be strategic and collaborate with these very useful partners.


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"Magnet is flexible and easy to use. The fact that our members can register, or unsubscribe from events, means that we can easily administer our participant lists. I only see benefits. "
Francesca O´Brien Apelgren, CEO
Swedish Marketing Federation
Francesca O´Brien Apelgren, CEO, Swedish Marketing Federation

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